Saturday, November 17, 2018

Come Find Me

"After surviving an infamous family tragedy, sixteen-year-old Kennedy Jones has made it her mission to keep her brother's search through the cosmos alive. But then something disturbs the frequency on his radio telescope--a pattern registering where no signal should transmit. In a neighboring county, seventeen-year-old Nolan Chandler is determined to find out what really happened to his brother, who disappeared the day after Nolan had an eerie premonition. There hasn't been a single lead for two years, until Nolan picks up an odd signal--a pattern coming from his brother's bedroom. Drawn together by these strange signals--and their family tragedies--Kennedy and Nolan search for the origin of the mysterious frequency. But the more they uncover, the more they believe that everything's connected--even their pasts--as it appears the signal is meant for them alone, sharing a message that only they can understand. Is something coming for them? Or is the frequency warning them about something that's already here?"

Come Find Me by Megan Miranda - release date January 29, 2019

I thought this book was going to have a lot more of the paranormal element in it, but I was not disappointed by it.  There was definitely a lot more of a true-crime theme, but it was still good.  Also, the cover is super cool.

The way Kennedy's and Nolan's different tragedies and pasts interweave is fascinating.  This book will keep you guessing at all times.  Once the truth is finally revealed (in both cases) and everything clicks into place, you finally realize why the subtitle on the cover ("Danger is closer than you think") says what it does.  Kennedy and Nolan are very good for each other and I loved how supportive they are of each other.  They are a very good pairing.

I liked how interwoven everything was and there wasn't really anything that wasn't important to the overall mystery.  All of the "coincidences" lining up and coming together was really clever.  I also liked how everything wrapped up in the end, or pretty much close to it.  It was very satisfying.  Another thing, I LOVED how she was named Kennedy.  Kennedy as a girl's name is so pretty and I love that so much.  It's different but amazing.  I can't really think of things that I didn't like from this book.  Maybe it could have moved a little faster; there were some points in the book where I found myself trying to skip ahead to see where the next point of action would be.  Other than that, it was pretty good.

This book was a solid 3 stars and I'd recommend it for anyone looking for a good mystery.  Took me 4 days to read.
Reviewed on November 17, 2018

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